1 This Charter Party, made and concluded in Seoul, Korea... 29th... day of. MAR, 2021.
2 Between...Pan Continental Shipping Company Limited, Seoul, Korea...
본용선계약서는는 2021.03.29 Pan Continetal Shipping과 Seoul에서작성되고결정되었다.
3 Owners of the good Motorship..................................................................................................................................... .‘PANCON CHALLENGE’ - Vessel’s description see Cl.29...
선주의선박Pancon Challenge의선박명세는 29장에있다.
12 Now trading........................................... . and........................ ..HMM Co., Ltd...................................................... ...Charterers of the City of Seoul, Korea...한국, 서울에서용선주인 HMM과 거래가이루어진다.
13Witnesseth,That the said Owners agree to let, and the said Charterers agree to hire the said vessel, from the time of delivery, for
14 a time charter period about. for 6 months +/- 30 days, exact period in Charterers’ option
15............................................................................................................... ...…………………within below mentioned trading limits.With Charterers’ prior notice and prior full discussion to/with Owners
선주는용선주의선박인도시점부터용선기간까지 6개월 +- 30일동안용선하는데동의하며정확한기간은용선주의선택이며아래언급된무역제한은용선주의사전통보와함께선주와협의된것이다.
16 Charterers to have liberty to sublet the vessel for all or any part of the time covered by this Charter, but Charterers remaining responsible for
17 the fulfillment of this Charter Party.Charterers are not allowed to sublet vessel to any company/Charterers situated and/or related in any of the excluded countries as per Cl.105 incl. Israel. Acceptance of delivery by Charterers shall not constitute waiver of Owners' obligations hereunder.
18 Vessel to be placed at the disposal of the Charterers, at on arrival first sea-pilot station Busan, South Korea at any time day or night, Sundays and holidays always included.
이 용선계약 아래 전부 또는 일부시간 동안 용선주는 선박을 빌리는(Sublet)에 있어서 자유를 가지나, 용선주는 이 용선계약서의 수행에 대한 책임을 지게 된다
용선주는 Israel을 포함한 Clause 105에 명시된 제외국가에 위치한 회사 및 용선주에게 대선(Sublet) 하는 것이 허용되지 않는다. 용선주에 의한 인도 수용은 선주의 책임에 대한 포기를 구성하지 않는다. 선박이 용선주에게 인도되는 시점은, 낮시간,밤시간, 일요일, 휴일 모두를 포함하여 부산에 첫 파일럿 스테이션 도착시점.
*AFSPS : Arrival First Sea-Pilot Station
21Vessel on her delivery to be
22 ready to receive cargo as per Cl. 41 with clean-swept holds and tight, staunch, strong and in every way fitted for the container liner service, having water ballast, winches
23 and(and with full complement of officers, seamen, engineers and for a vessel of her tonnage), to be employed, in carrying lawful merchan-
25 disein containers, including gas or liquid, petroleum or its products, in proper ISO tank containers, in conjunction with Cl.57 excluding See Cl.57……...
26 (vessel is not to be employed in the carriage of Live Stock,
Clause 41과같이선박의인도시점에서적하될준비가되어야하며, 정기선컨테이너서비스가가능할수있도록견고하고깨끗한 Hold, Water ballast, winches 그리고톤수에적절한사관, 선원기관사고용및 Clause 57에따라적법한화물을선적해야하며, gas 또는 liquid 석유또는그제품들은적절한 ISO Tank Container에선적되어야하고, 제외되는화물은 Clause 57참고, 선박으로가축의운송은허용되지않는다.
32 Trading : Far East Asia / South East Asia trading including Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, The Philippines, always via good and safe port(s), always afloat always within IWL. (Intended South Korea/Thailand service wog )
34 Charterers’ intended port rotation : Busan - Kwangyang - Hong Kong - Sigon - Bangkok - LaemChabang - Hong Kong - Shekou - Xiamen - Busan
35 as the Charterers or their Agents shall direct, on the following conditions:
36 1. That the Owners shall provide and pay for all provisions, wages, drinking water and consular shipping and discharging fees and also all consular fees necessary of the Crew; shall pay for the
37 insurance of the vessel, also for all the cabin, deck, engine-room and other necessary stores, including lubrication oil and garbage dues in case not compulsory, boiler water and maintain her class and keep
38 the vessel in a thoroughly efficient state in hull, machinery and equipment with all certificates necessary to comply with requirements at ports of call and canals for and during the service
선주는선용품(Provisions), 급여, 식수, 해상직원을위한하선및승선그리고선원에게필요에관한영사비용을부담하고선박보험과또한 Boiler Water를포함한모든거주구역, 갑판, 기관실, 그리고다른필요창고 L.O 그리고강제로요구되지않는쓰레기처리에대해서부담하며, 본선의선급을유지하고본선이서비스기간동안선체, 기계, equipment에대해서기항하는항구및운하의요구사항에따르는모든증서와함께전체적으로효율적인상태를유지하도록한다.
39 2. That, whilst on hire, the Charterers shall provide and pay for all the fuel except as otherwise agreed, Port Charges, Pilotages, Agencies for clearance and cargo purpose only boatage on Charterers’ business Commissions,
40 Consular Charges (except those pertaining to the Crew and flag), and all other usual expenses except those before stated, but when the vessel puts into
41 a port for causes for which vessel is responsible, then all such charges incurred shall be paid by the Owners. Fumigations ordered because of
42 illness of the crew to be for Owners account. Fumigations ordered because of cargoes carried or ports visited while vessel is employed under this
43 charter to be for Charterers account.
용선 기간 동안, 용선주는 달리 합의된 경우를 제외하고는 모든 연료비용, 항비. 도선사료, 예선료, 수속을 위한 에이전트 비용, 용선주의 사업을 위한 화물비용 수수료, 해상직원과 기국등록에 관한 부분을 제외한 영사비용, 위에서 언급한 모든 다른 통상적인 비용을 부담한다. 그러나 본선의 문제로 인하여 입항을 하는 경우, 이와 관련되어 발생한 비용은 모두 선주가 부담한다. 해상직원의 질병으로 인하여 지시된 소독(Fumigation)은 선주가 부담하고, 본선이 본 용선계약 아래 기항한 항구와 운송된 화물에 의하여 실시된 소독(Fumigation)은 용선주가 부담한다.
45 Charterers are to provide necessary dunnage and shifting boards, also any extra fittings requisite for a special trade or unusual cargo, but
46 Owners to allow them the use of any dunnage and shifting boards already aboard vessel.
Charterers have the privilege to use container fittings/equipment as per Clause 41.
용선주는 특수화물(Unusual cargo), 특별항해(Special Trade)를 위한 추가적인 고박장치, Dunnage, Shifting board를 제공하며, 선주는 본선에 이미 장치된 Shifting board와 Dunnage, 사용을 허락하며, 용선주는 Clause 41에 따라 컨테이너 고박장치에 대한 특권을 가지게 된다.
*선주의기본의무 (선원에대한보급,급여,승하선비용, 선박보험료, 선원의주거및선박에소요되는각종소모품비,선원의질병으로인한 Fumigation
*용선주의 기본 의무(연료유, 항비,도선료,대리점 비용, 선원이나 선주에게 책임있는 일과는 무관하게 입출항에 소요되는 제반 비용,
화물이나 항구 때문에 실시하는 Fumigation, Dunnage / Shifting board 공급, Extra fitting 설치
48. 3See Clause 31. –Bunker 대금정산
51.4. That the Charterers shall pay for the use and hire of the said Vessel at the rate of USD6,400.-- per day or pro rata thereof including
52 overtime for entire period……………………….................................United States Currency
commencing on and from the day of her delivery, as aforesaid, and at
54 and after the same rate for any part of a day ; hire to continue until the hour of the day of her re-delivery in like good order and condition, ordinary
55 wear and tear excepted, to the Owners (unless lost) at on dropping last outward sea-pilot at one safe port, Busan, South Korea at any time day or night, Sundays and holidays included
앞서언급한본선의인도일로부터시작하여용선주는 Overtime을포함하고일정한비율로하루USD 6,400을용선료로지급한다. 하루중부분적인시간은동일비율로하여통상적인마모하의좋은상태로반선하는일자의시간까지용선료를선주에게지불하여야한다(South Korea ,Busan, Dropping last outward sea-pilot, 낮,밤시간, 일요일휴일포함).
*DLOSP : Dropping Last Outward Sea-pilot
56 ,unless otherwise mutually agreed. Charterers are to give Owners not less than 30/25/15/10 days approximate and 7/5/3/1 days definite
57 notice of vessel's expected date of re-delivery, and probable port.
달리상호합의하지않는한, 용선주는선주에게본선의반선예정일/항구를 30/25/15/10(대략) , 7/5/3/1(정확) 통보하여야한다.
58 5. Payment of said hire to be made See Clause 70 and 74in cash in United States Currency 15 days in advance, and for the last half month or
59 part of same the approximate amount of hire, and should same not cover the actual time, hire is to be paid for the balance day by day, as it becomes
60 due, if so required by Owners, unless bank guarantee or deposit is made by the Charterers, otherwise failing the punctual and regular payment of the
61 hire, or bank guarantee, or on any breach of this Charter Party, the Owners shall be at liberty to withdraw the vessel from the service of the Char-
62 terers, without prejudice to any claim they (the Owners) may otherwise have on the Charterers. Hire to be payable as from delivery
Claus 70과74에 작성된 용선료 지급은 15일전 미국 통화로 지불되며 마지막 15일 동안이 대략적인 용선료와 같다면 지급하지만, 만약 정확한 시간을 커버하지 못한다면, 지불예정 시 용선주가 요구 한다면, 용선료는 날마다 잔금이 지불 될 것이다. 용선주에 의해서 은행보증 혹은 예치금이 지불되지 않거나 정확하고 정기적인 용선료 지불이 되지 않는 경우 혹은 본 용선계약의 불이행의 경우, 선주는 용선 서비스로부터 본선을 압류할 수 있고, 이는 선주가 용선주에게 가질 수 있는 청구권에는 아무런 영향을 주지 않는다.
->용선료 지급방법 (15일전 선지급, 남은 용선기간이 15일보다 짧으면 예상 반선 날짜를 고려해서 지급, 선주 요구시 매일 지급)
65 Cash for vessel's ordinary disbursements at any port may be advanced as required by the Captain, by the Charterers or their Agents, subject
66 to 2½% commission and such advances shall be deducted from the hire. The Charterers, however, shall in no way be responsible for the application
67 of such advances.
항구에서의통상적인지불금은선장의요청에의하여2½%의수수료를조건으로용선주혹은그의에이전트에의하여미리지불될것이다. 이러한선용금은용선료로부터차감된다. 그렇지만용선주는이러한선용금의사용처에대해서는아무런책임이없다.
->본선가불금(선장이본선비용으로쓰기위해용선자로부터차용/ 금액에대해 2.5%의이자를부과하여용선료에서차감
68 6. That the cargo or cargoes be laden and/or discharged in any dock or at any wharf or place that Charterers or their Agents may
69 direct, provided the vessel can safely lie always afloat at any time of tide,
만약 본선이 조류에 관계없이 언제나 안전하게 부상상태에 있다면 용선주 혹은 그 에이전트에 의해 지시된 장소나 선착, 도크에서 화물의 양하와적하가 이루어 질 것이다.
71 7. That the whole reach of the Vessel's Hold, Decks, and usual places of loading (not more than she can reasonably stow and carry), also
72 accommodations for Supercargo, if carried, shall be at the Charterers' disposal, reserving only proper and sufficient space for Ship's officers, crew,
73 tackle, apparel, furniture, provisions, stores and fuel.
본선의 사관과 부원, Tackle, 의상, 가구, 선용품, 연료 등을 위한 충분하고 적당한 공간이 보장되면, 본선의 Hold, 갑판, 적재장소(선박이 적절히 적재 및 운송가능 할 정도) 및 화물관리인의 숙소는 용선주가 마음대로 쓸 수 있다.
76 8. That the Captain shall prosecute his voyages with the utmost despatch, and shall render all customary assistance with ship's crew and
77 boats. The Captain(although appointed by the Owners), shall be under the orders and directions of the Charterers as regards employment and
78 agency; and Charterers are to load, stow, lash, secure, unlash, unsecure, discharge and tally cargo at their expense under the supervision of the Captain, who is to, if requested to do so by Charterers’ in writing , sign Bill of Lading for
79 cargo as presented, in conformity with Mate's or Tally Clerk's receipts. See Clause 58.
선장은최대한신속히항차를수행하며, 본선의선원및보트에대해통상적인조력을다할것이다. 선장(선주에의해임명되었을지라도)은용선주의명령과지침에따라야하며용선주는load,stow,lash,secure,unlash,unsecure, discharge 할수있고, 만약선주에의해요구된다면, 선장의화물감독하에그들의비용으로검수할수있다.,
제시된화물처럼, Mate’s or Tally Clerk’s recepits에서명된다. (See Clause 58)
*선장의직무 (선주로부터급여를받지만용선주의고용인으로써역할수행)
80 9. That if the Charterers shall have reason to be dissatisfied with the conduct of the Captain, Officers, or Engineers, the Owners shall on
81 receiving particulars of the complaint, investigate the same, and, if necessary, make a change in the appointments.
용선주가선장,사관,기관사의업무수행에있어만족하지못하는이유가있을때선주는자세한불만의이유를접수하고, 그와같은지조사하고, 만약요구된다면교체하여야한다.
82 10. That the Charterers shall have permission to appoint a Supercargo, who shall accompany the vessel and see that voyages are prosecuted
83 with the utmost despatch. He is to be furnished with free and suitable accommodation, and same fare as provided for Captain's table, Charterers paying at the
84 rate of $10 per day. Owners to victual Pilots and Customs Officers, and also, when authorized by Charterers or their Agents, to victual Tally
85 Clerks, Stevedore's Foreman, etc., Charterers paying USD 3.-- per meal for all such victualling – See Cl.90
용선주는 항해가 최대한 신속하게 진행되는지 보고 본선에 동행할 화물관리인을 임명 하는 것이 허락 된다. 화물관리인은 선장에게 제공되는 것과 같은 식사와 적합한 숙소를 제공 받는다. 용선주는 하루 10%을 지불해야 한다. 선주는 세관 및 도선사에게 식사를 제공해야하며 용선주 또는 그의 에이전트에 의해 위임되었을 경우 하역인부 및 Tally Clerks에게도 역시 제공한다. 용선주는 이러한 식사제공에 대해서 한끼당 3$을 지불한다 – See Clause 90.
86 11. That the Charterers shall furnish the Captain from time to time with all requisite instructions and sailing directions, in writing and in English, and the
87 Captain shall keep a full and correct Log of the voyage or voyages, which are to be patent to the Charterers or their Agents, and furnish the Char-
88 terers, their Agents or Supercargo, when required, with a true copy of daily deck and engine Logs, showing the course of the vessel and distance run and the con-
89 sumption of fuel.
용선주는때때로필요한지시와 Sailing Direction을영문으로작성된문서로제공해야한다. 선장은항차들혹은항차의정확하고안전한항해일지를보관해야하고. 이는용선주와에이전트에게개방되어있으며, 용선주, 에이전트및화물관리인의요청이있을때선박의침로, 항정, 및연료소모량을나타내는매일의갑판기관일지의복사본을제공하여야한다.
*선장은항해일지를정확하고충실하게작성할의무가있음. 용선자나그의대리인은언제든항해일지를열람할수있으며그사본의제출을요구할권리가있음.
90 12. That the Captain shall use diligence in caring for the ventilation of the cargo holds.
선장은 선창의 환기를 위하여 최선을 다하여야 한다.
94 14. That if required by Charterers, time not to commence before..... 12th September 2012 – 00:01 hrs LT...................................... and should vessel
95 not have given written notice of readiness on or before 12th September 2012 – 23:59 hrs LT ………
96 Charterers or their Agents to have the option of cancelling this Charter at any time not later than the day of vessel's readiness.See Cl. 104
용선주에의해요청된다면 2012.09.12 00:01 이전에는용선은시작되지않을것이며, 만약선박이 2012.09.12 23:59분까지인도가준비되지않는다면용선주또는에이전트는인도가준비되는날이전에 Clause 104에따라본용선계약을해제할수있는선택권을가지게된다.
*선박이인도를위한서면준비완료통지를하지않으면용선자나그의대리인은언제든계약의해제가능. 선박의준비완료통지이후해제불가함
해제 :계약이원래존재하지않았던상태로되돌리는것.
해지(Cease) :계약의이행도중어느시점부터무효화하는것.
97 15. That in the event of the loss of time from deficiency and/or default of men and/or strikes or sabotage by Officers and crew or deficiency of stores, fire, breakdown or damages to hull, machinery or equipment,
98 grounding, detention by average accidents to ship or cargo, drydocking for the purpose of examination or painting bottom, or by any other cause
99 preventing the full working of the vessel, the payment of hire shall cease for the time thereby lost until the vessel has returned to the same or equivalent position:; and if upon the voyage the speed be reduced by
100 defect in or breakdown of any part of her hull, machinery or equipment, the time so lost, and the cost of any extra fuel consumed in consequence
101 thereof, and all extra direct resulting expenses shall be deducted from the hire.
사람의 부족 또는 근무태만, 사관의 파업 또는 sabotage, 선용품, 화재, 선체, 기계 및 장비의 파손 및 고장, 좌초, 본선 혹은 화물에게 생기는 일반적인 사고로 인한 지연, 선저 Painting 작업 및 검사를 목적으로 실시 하는 입거로 인한 시간 손실의 경우에는 용선료의 지급이 시간손실이 발생한 이후부터 본선이 동등한 상태에까지 돌아올 때까지 중지되게 될 것이다. 만약 항해중 선체, 기계, 장비의 고장으로 속도가 느려 시간 손실이 있는 경우 이러한 결과로 인하여 소비한 추가연료비 및 모든 입증된 직접적인 비용은 용선료에서 차감 될 것이다.
*항해중의 off-hire : :시간 손실 + 그로 인해 소모된 연료유
102 16. That should the Vessel be lost, money paid in advance and not earned(reckoning from the date of loss or being last heard of ) shall be
103 returned to the Charterers at once. The act of God, enemies, fire, restraint of Princes, Rulers and People, and all dangers and accidents of the Seas,
104 Rivers, Machinery, Boilers and Steam Navigation, and errors and/or negligence of Navigation throughout this Charter Party, always mutually excepted.
105 The vessel shall have the liberty to sail with or without pilots, to tow and to be towed, to assist vessels in distress, and to deviate for the
106 purpose of saving life and property.
선박이 멸실된다면, 미리 지불되거나 얻어지지 않는 비용은 한번에 용선주에게 지급 될 것이다. 불가항력, 적, 화재, Restraint of Princes, 통치자와 국민, 모든 위험과, 해상사고, 강, 기계, 보일러, Navigation의 오작동 같은 사건은 본 용선계약 기간 동안 상호간에 언제나 예상 된다. 본선은 도선사 없이 혹은 도선사와 함께 항해 할 수 있고, 예인 하거나 예인 될 수 있으며, 조난선박을 도울 수 있고, 재산 및 인명구조를 위해 항로 변경을 할 수 있다.
선박이 멸실된경우 : 이미 선지급된 용선료 중 멸실 이후의 용선료는 즉시 환금
110 18. That the Owners shall have a lien upon all cargoes, and all sub-freights and sub-hire for any amounts due under this Charter, including General Aver-
111 age contributions, and the Charterers to have a lien on the Ship for all monies paid in advance and not earned, and any overpaid hire of excess
112 deposit to be returned at once. Charterers will not suffer, nor permit to be continued, any lien or encumbrance incurred by them or their agents, which
113 might have priority over the title and interest of the owners in the vessel.
선주는모든화물및운임및용선료에공동해손부담을포함하여본용선계약아래예상된금액의재용선료에대한선취득권을갖는다. 용선주는미리지불되거나얻어지지못한모든금액을위하여선박에대한선취득건을가질것이고과도한예치금에대한과당하게지불된용선료는직시반환된다. 용선주혹은에이전트에의하여발생한채무및어떠한담보권도본선에대한선주의이득과권리보다도우선권을가질수없다.
114 19. That all derelicts and salvage shall be for Owners' and Charterers' equal benefit after deducting Owners' and Charterers' expenses and
115 Crew's proportion. General Average shall be adjusted, stated and settled, according to Rules 1 to 15, inclusive, 17 to 22, inclusive, and Rule F of
116 York-Antwerp Rules 1974 or amendments thereto at London.by these121 or his agents may deem sufficient as additional security for the contribution of the goods and for any salvage and special charges thereon, shall, if
해상의부유물이나난파선구조등에대해선주와용선주의비용및선원의몫을제외한후선주와용선주는동일한이득을가질수있다. 공동해손에대해서 New York Antwerp 규칙에의해조정, 명시, 규정될수있다.
22 required, be made by the goods, shippers, consignees or owners of the goods to the carrier before delivery.
126 In the event of accident, danger, damage, or disaster, before or after commencement of the voyage resulting from any cause whatsoever,
127 whether due to negligence or not, for which, or for the consequence of which, the carrier is not responsible, by statute, contract, or otherwise, the
128 goods, the shipper and the consignee, jointly and severally, shall contribute with the carrier in general average to the payment of any sacrifices,
129 losses, or expenses of a general average nature that may be made or incurred, and shall pay salvage and special charges incurred in respect of the
130 goods. If a salving ship is owned or operated by the carrier, salvage shall be paid for as fully and in the same manner as if such salving ship or
131 ships belonged to strangers.
132 Provisions as to General Average in accordance with the above are to be included in all bills of lading issued hereunder. Charter hire not to contribute to General Average.
133 20. Fuel used by the vessel while off hire to be for Owners’ account.
Off-Hire 기간 동안 사용된 연료는 선주비용으로 한다.
138 Vessel not to be drydocked during this charter period except in case of emergency...........................................................................................................................................
Owners also to provide on the vessel sufficient light for night works free of expenses for Charterers.
145 23. Vessel to work night and day, if required by Charterers,
본선은 용선주가 요구한다면 밤낮으로 작업을 한다.
167 25. The vessel shall not be required to enter any ice-bound port or any port where lights or light-ships have been or are about to be with-
168 drawn by reason of ice, or where there is risk that in the ordinary course of things the vessel will not be able on account of ice to safely enter the
169 port or to get out after having completed loading or discharging.
170 26. Nothing herein stated is to be construed as a demise of the vessel to the Time Charterers. The owners to remain responsible for the
171 navigation of the vessel, act of pilot and tugboats, insurance, crew, and all other matters, same as when trading for their own account.
본용선계약서에언급된어느것도선박의권리양도로해석되지않는다. 선주는도선사와예인선의행동, 보험, 선원그리고선주가책임지는항해구역에서의다른문제나선박의항해에대한책임이있다.
172 27. A commission of 1.25 per cent is payable by the Vessel and Owners to Polestar Marine Co., Ltd.
173 ..............................................................................................................................................
174 on hire earned and paid under this Charter, and also upon any continuation or extension of this Charter.
본 용선계약의 계속 또는 연장이 결정 되는 경우 본 용선계약아래 지불되거나 획득한 용선료에 대해서 1.25%의 수수료가 선주 혹은 본선에 의하여 Polestar Marine에 지불해야 한다.
Clause 29 to 118, both inclusive as attached, are deemed to form an integral part of the present Charter Party.
Owners: Charterers:
Pan Continental Shipping Company Limited, Seoul, Korea Korea Marine Transport Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea
This Charter Party is a computer generated copy of the NYPE (Revised 3rd October 1946) form printed under license from the Association of Ship
Brokers & Agents (U.S.A), Inc., using software which is the copyright of Strategic Software Limited.
It is a precise copy of the original document which can be modified, amended or added to only by the striking out of original characters, or the
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